martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Poker betting

Poker is known to be a game where one can either loses or wins; it is simply a game of chance. When playing poker, a player is supposed to be keen on betting. In poker betting, ante and blind betting schemes are used; although some other games may use blind bets. Ante is usually a fraction of a whole bet. In ante, the players are required to contribute a certain amount in the pot, which is in the middle of the poker table before each hand. For antes, the contribution is only seen as a way of beginning a game while in blinds the bet counts as a players bet. Blind bets are used in games with buttons. For blind bets, the player with the card that is ranked highest or in some cases is usually asked to contribute a half a small bet or a full small bet. The reason why it is called blind is because the players bet for cards they have not yet seen.

It is common in most games for the two players on the left of the dealer to make the bets in blinds. Typically, the player, immediately to the dealers left, bets a small amount called the ‘little blind’. The one after them bets with a full blind which is generally a full bet size. This means that all the other players will be given their cards at no cost. It is not always this type of betting that is used; other betting rules are followed in some games. In games with the dealer, this type of betting scheme is most common except for the first round. In the first round, it is the player to the left of the big blind that brings it in for either half a small bet or a full small bet.

The amount equal to a bet is determined before the start of the game. When the game starts, a player is required to bet or check. In checking, a player does not bet but rather passes the chance to the one on their left who also has to choose between the two. If the first player bets, the rest have to decide whether to call, to raise or to fold. These rules of betting can easily get one confused; hence, it is always better to be the one that acts last. A beginner is advised to get acquainted with the pot limits or no limits first before engaging in the bets.

Origins of Poker

It is believed that the game of poker was born in New Orleans in the US which was then a French territory. This was also known as the origin of gambling. The evidence of its birth has been documented by various early writers. Most notably is the reference to poker by J. Hildreth in his book Dragon Campaigns to the Rocky Mountains. The book was published in 1836, meaning that by that time poker already had strong roots in the country. Many other publications at the time also mention poker significantly.

The earliest form of poker is said to be played with 20 card pack (A, K, Q, J, 10). There were only four players at a time per game. Early games were not as complicated as it is today. The rules were easy to master and the players were few. There were no draws in the game and the betting was done differently compared to today’s poker. Poker ranking was done differently. Some of the rankings today were not applicable at the time because very few cards were involved. The rankings included; one pair, two pair, three of a kind and four of a kind. In 1847, Jonathan Green provided more evidence for 20 card poker in his book-The Reformed Gambler. He attests to poker being played on a Mississippi boat.

The need to play poker ten years later had increased. Poker games started incorporating more players and more cards. This became the birth of 52 card poker. The ranking changed listing from the highest to the lowest. The Flush hand ranking was introduced to accommodate more players. This changed the perception of poker as gambling to date. It became a game of skill and psychology.

The 19th century marked a totally different phase for poker. Poker spread to many other parts during the civil war such as Ohio and Indiana. Other schemes and rules were introduced in the game during the war including the Jackpot. Only the player with a pair of jacks was aloud to open it. However, the second part of the jackpot rule was later eliminated. The rule stated that in a table of five players, one player would be dealt Jacks or better. It was meant to instill discipline at the table and allowing only players who made serious bets. Playing of modern poker started in 1970.

The origin classic poker is however not documented because at the time, no one knew that the game would one day be considered a classic.

Texas Hold’em basic information

Texas Hold’em more commonly known as Hold’em, and is one of the world’s most popular poker game. It popularity is attributed to World Series of Poker tournament. The origin of the game is not clearly stated but is believed to have originated from Texas in a town known as Robstown in the early 1900s. It was later introduced to Las Vegas in 1967. Playing Hold’em in casinos made it even more popular.

The game has two cards known as ‘hole cards’ that are held face down hence its ‘hold’em’ name. Five community cards are dealt face-up. Players have the option of bet, fold, or check after every deal. The game allows players to make any combination of seven cards to make a winning five card poker hand. At the end of one hand, the pot is given to the winning hand. In cases of a tie the pot is divided between the two winners. There are four major variations of playing online poker
• The Limit Texas Hold’em- each round of betting is pre-determined
• No-Limit Texas Hold’em- the amount of bets depends with the player. The player is allowed to bet all his chips
• Pot Limit Texas hold’em-just like the no-limit, a player can bet any amount up to the size of the pot.
• Mixed Texas Hold’em- the game is a combination of switching between Limit and No-limit.

In playing the game, small and big ‘blind bet’ schemes are used. The big blind is usually two times bigger than the small blind. Antes are not normally used at the beginning of the game but may be used in the last stages of the tournament. A dealer button is used in the game. The betting is done by the two players to the left of the dealer. The player to the immediate left bets half of the small blind while the player to the left of the small blind posts a big blind, usually equal to a minimum bet. The enforcement of the blinds gradually changes as the game continues. All this happens while the betting options of ‘fold’, ‘raise’, ‘call’ or ‘check’ apply. The options usually depend on the previous players. If the first player bets, then the rest of the players have an option of either to check, call or raise. In an event that one player bets and the rest of the players fold, the pot is normally awarded to the remaining player. A new game of Hold’em then begins.

History and playing poker

How the idea of playing poker came to be is as mysterious as any other inventions that exist. Poker is a world renowned card game. The traces of the game can be familiarized to Asian games that were played in central Asia. Even though its history is not that clear, there are recorded similarities between the present game and the old ages practices. The card game basically entails a set of paper packs in similar shapes but different prints. The rules are set depending on the type of play. In every region, there are customized rules which act as regulators to the game. However, in the more universal games like online poker, the game has to be standardized in order to level the playing field. These conditions must be adhered to depending on the stakes involved or privileges and bonuses.

For the hundreds of years that the game has been played, there have been different symbols used for the card face. Figures of cups and swords were among the first symbols that were incorporated into the card faucets. The Islamic regions and the better part of Europe adopted distinguishing hand-drawn pictures. These differences in the game were all targeted and bringing new practice into the game. As the dallying and dallying continued, it eventually led to a common acceptable design which came to be recognized universally. This is what is now known as the game cards of hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds. This system of cards has grown popular such that it will be hard to imagine a poker game without these symbols.

Both online and casino based card games adopt the same technique –it is all about beating your opponent. Usually, the cards have values and symbolisms- the uniqueness of each card allows it to perform specific duties. By using the allowable moves, the challengers have an objective of completing the game as winners and at the same time prevent their opponent from winning. Online poker is very tricky; this is because there is no physical interaction with the other player. All the same, it is a tack tic game and at times it is allowable for the opponent to use facial expressions and tricks to corner an opponent. Usually, the number of poker players is maintained at six; however, depending on the type of poker, then more players can be enlisted. With time, poker rules have encompassed the art of betting and now it can be undertaken not only as a sport but for making easy money through gambling.

Texas Holdem Rules

Texas Hold’em is the most popular form of the opportunity game, poker.
Poker is called a game of opportunity because mostly there is no way in which the players can influence the outcome of the game. The cards are not dealt by the players, but there is a dealer who deals the cards to the players as they may require them.

Although it is a game of chance, there are many sources from which one can learn the Texas Holdem rules of the game. One of the best and tried ways is when someone learns from an experienced player, through constant practice until he/ she can become a professional. Another way is to log onto the relevant internet sites and study with the online tutors of the game.

To know all the rules that govern this game by heart, you need to have a spirit of persistence where you do not give up even in the early days of learning. At the early stages, you might find the going very rough and might be tempted to give up. Push on with the learning because only then will you make a good poker player. Remember that one quality that all poker players have is patience. That is the ticket.

Mostly associated with cowboys, gamblers and gunmen from a Wild West scene, this game has come from a long way to reclaim its glory. Nowadays, Texas hold’em is played even online where gamblers can bet and make money as well. Even online the basic rules of the game still apply. For example, cards are dealt by the online dealer. When online, one does not play against a robotic mechanized system but he/she plays against real players.

The winner takes home the money which is of course paid in to their online account minus the fee that the house charges. While online too, one is taught how to control their emotions such that they do not show any expression on the face, hence the phrase: face of a poker player a twitch of the eye. When you have been dealt, a card might be a straight give away to your playmates and it could end up costing you dearly. Poker is much like a jigsaw puzzle, only that here the pieces hardly stay together. There is not chance for breaking any of the Texas hold’em rules. Online poker tutorial is recommended because it prepares one thoroughly to meet real opponents in the table.